Multitool XMTE10
Our Multitool 4 has the same properties like a single
punch fully guided as a 90 Wilson series or Mate Ultra
series thanks to the following specifications:
• 8- tools up to 12,7 mm (A Type)
• 2- tools up to 24 mm (XMTE6 Type)
• Full guided punches
• Punches keyed for improved accuracy
• Unlimited Nibbling capacity
• Quick Tool Change
• 100 mm punch length / 7 mm grinding life
• Up to 22 tons – Maximum thickness up to 6,4 mm
Multitool XMTE6
Our Multitool 6 has the same properties like a single punch fully guided as a 90 Wilson series or Mate Ultra series thanks to the following specifications:
• 6- tools up to 24 mm (XMTE6 Type)
• 100 mm punch length / 7 mm grinding life
• Full guided punches
• Punches keyed for improved accuracy
• Unlimited Nibbling capacity
• Quick Tool Change
• Up to 22 tons – Maximum thickness up to 6 mm
• Adjustable striping spring force according to material and thickness
Multitool XMTE4
Our Multitool 4 has the same properties like a single punch fully guided as a 90 Wilson series or Mate Ultra series thanks to the following specifications:
• 4- tools up to 31,7 mm (B type)
• Full guided Punches
• Compatible with Single B stations MATE Ultra
• Punched keyed for improved accuracy
• Unlimited Nibbling capacity
• Quick tool change
• 100 mm punch length / 9 mm grinding life
• Up to 22 tons – Maximum thickness up to 10mm
• With special punch up to 12,7 mm thickness
• Adjustable striping spring force according to material and thickness
Max punching force(KN)
Y axis with Multitool /Monopunch (mm)
Y = 1000
1050 / 1000
X axis (mm)
1300/ 1250
Automatic repositioning in X (mm)
up to 10000
Position accuracy (mm)
+/- 0.05
Bidirectional Autoindex stations
Opening of clamps (mm)
Positioning clamps number
Max. hit rate (1/min): Punching with 20 mm pitch
Nibbling with 1 mm pitch
Thickness range (mm)
Max. weight at reduced axis speed (kg)
USB port
Installed power (kW)
Average consumption (kW/h)
Approx. weight (kg) X =1250
Overall dimensions (mm) X =1250
2230 x 3140
1 Indexed Station capable of rotating 360º with 0.01 in-crements capable to hold:
- 1 Single station, A, B, C o D (not included)
- 6 autoindex tools up to Ø 24 mm in XMTE6 (not included)
- 4 autoindex tools up to Ø 31.7 inn XMTE4 (not included)
- 10 autoindex tools 2 up to Ø 24 mm 8 up to Ø 12,7 mm in XMTE10 (not included)
1 Fixed, no rotational stations capable to hold Multitools or single
Rigid mono-block C-frame (no welding points) with 3 Open sides to help loading all type of sheet formats and allow sheet flip or rotations
Programmable adjustment of stroke length.
Nr.2 Hydraulic clamps (50 bar)
Automatic lubrification system for top grilled single punches and Multitools
Standalone machine control
Standard machine software (Top punch ®)
Tables with brushes
Front overturning table extension L. 830 mm
External cooling system.
UPS system: protects the Console-PC from voltage drops and grants the power supply up to 30 minutes in case of electrical interruption
Die Holders: 2 D Type, 1C Type, 2 B Type, 1 B/A Reduction
Punch reductions: n 1D/C, n.2 D/B, n.1 B/A
Set of keys (3-4-6-8 mm socket head screws, greaser)
Pressure gauge
USB Memory Stick